sábado, 31 de enero de 2015


CABALLERÍA PESADA : HISTORIA .- ..................................:http://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Especial:Libro&bookcmd=download&collection_id=819755ea9fa554ae64f62939e7bcd39be6d91c38&writer=rdf2latex&return_to=Caballer%C3%ADa+pesada

024 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial army.jpg
049 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial army.jpg

1897 Serow Pavel Aleksandrovich.JPG

36 Representation of the Uniforms of the Russian Imperial Army.jpg

37 Representation of the Uniforms of the Russian Imperial Army.jpg

An Officer of the Cuirassiers- by Edouard Detaille.jpg

Apsit - Cuirassiers Attack.jpg

Austrian Cuirassiers.png

Brandenb Kür Juli Aug 1809.jpg

Cuirassiers français chargeant des uhlans prussiens 4384.JPG

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