miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015


Greek Colonization of western Asia Minor during the Greek Dark Age (or Geometric Age) 11th-8th cent. BC
Af Western Asia Minor Greek Colonization af.svg
World 1000 BCE.png The Americas, c. 1000 BC. Key    hunter-gatherers    nomadic pastoralists    simple farming societies    complex farming societies/chiefdoms    state societies    uninhabited    Area of iron working, c. 1000 BCE.    Area of bronze working, c. 1000 BCE.
America 1000 BCE.png
Assyria under Tiglath-Pileser I
Greek Colonization of western Asia Minor during the Greek Dark Age (or Geometric Age)
Western Asia Minor Greek Colonization.svg
World 1000 BCE
World 1000 BCE.png

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