domingo, 6 de enero de 2019


Atlas of Iraq

Flag of Iraq.svg

العربية[1]العراق - جمهورية العراق

العراق هو احدى الدول العربية الواقعة في المشرق العربي، يقع في جنوب غرب القارة الآسيوية. يقع إلى الشمال من المملكة العربية السعودية، وإلى الجنوب من تركيا، والشرق من سورية و الأردن ، وإلى الغرب من ايران. هناك آراء مختلفة عن اصل كلمة العراق حيث يرجح بعض المستشرقين ان مصدرها هي مدينة أورك السومرية القديمة والتي تسمى الأن بالوركاء وقد ذكرت مدينة أورك في ملحمة گلگامش حيث قام گلگامش ببناء سور حول المدينة و معبد للآلهة عشتار ، يرى البعض الأخر ان العراق مصدرها العروق نسبة الى النهرين دجلة و الفرات اللتين ولاهميتيهما شبهتا بالعرق او الوريد ويرى البعض الأخر انها سميت بالعراق نسبة إلى عروق اشجار النخيل التي تتواجد بكثرة في جنوب و وسط العراق بينما يرى الأخرون ان اصل التسمية هي عراقة المنطقة الموغلة بالقدم
كوردي[2]عيَراق - كۆماری عێراق
EnglishIraq - Republic of Iraq
The Republic of Iraq is a country in Southwest Asia encompassing most of Mesopotamia as well as the northwestern end of the Zagros mountain range and the eastern part of the Syrian Desert. It shares borders with ► Kuwait and ► Saudi Arabia to the south, ► Jordan to the west, ► Syria to the northwest, ► Turkey to the north, and ► Iran to the east. It has a very narrow section of coastline at Umm Qasr on the Persian Gulf. In the north ► Iraqi Kurdistan has autonomous status.

Short name Iraq
Official  nameRepublic of Iraq
StatusIndependent country since 1932
LocationMiddle East
Capital[3] بغداد (Baghdad)
Population26,783,383 inhabitants
Area438,317 km²
Major  languagesArabic, Kurdish (both official), Assyrian and Turkmen
Major  religionsIslam
More informationIraqGeography of IraqHistory of Iraq and Politics of Iraq
More  imagesIraq - Iraq (Category).

General maps

Iraq-CIA WFB Map.pngMap of Iraq
Iraq 2004 CIA map.jpgMap of Iraq
Irak karte2.pngMap of Iraq
Iraqi Governorates (numbered).png
This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.
Governorates of Iraq
Iraq 2003 occupation.pngOccupation zones
[[|border|251x400px]]1980 Tourist Map

Maps of Iraqi Kurdistan

Iraqi Kurdistan in Iraq (de-facto and disputed hatched).svgLocation of Iraqi Kurdistan
Iraqi Kurdistan.jpgKurdish-speaking area of Iraq
Kurdish-inhabited area by CIA (1992).jpgMap of the Kurdish inhabited areas

History maps

This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Iraq, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Iraq.
Fertile Crescent map.pngFertile Crescent
Ancient cities of Sumer, Akad and Elam.jpgSumerians
Mesopotamia.PNGAncient Mesopotamia
AlterOrient.jpgAkkadian Empire around 2300 BCE
AlterOrient.pngAkkadian Empire
Map of Assyria.pngThe Assyrian Empire in the 9th to 7th centuries BC
Deportationofjewsbyassyrian.jpgDeportation of the Jews by the Assyrian Empire
Carte-Empire néo-assyrien.pngNeo-Assyrian Empire
Neo-Babylonian Empire.pngNeo-Babylonian Empire
Urartu743.pngUrartu at its greatest extent in the time of Sarduris II, 743 BC
Median Empire.jpgThe Median Empire and Chaldean Empire (728-550 BCE)
Median-empire-600BCE.pngMedian Empire
Map of the Achaemenid Empire.jpgThe Achaemid Empire (Persia (648–330 BCE) at its greatest extent
Achaemenid-empire-500BCE.pngThe Persian Achaemenid Empire
Carte empire achéménide.pngThe Persian Achaemenid Empire
Persian Empire, 490 BC.gifThe Persian Achaemenid Empire
Map of Armenia and Albania (1760).jpgThe Expedition of Alexander the Great 334-323 BCE
Map-alexander-empire.pngMap of the Empire of Alexander
MacedonEmpire.jpgMap of the Empire of Alexander 334-323 BCE
Alexander den stores rike, Nordisk familjebok.jpgMap of the Empire of Alexander (Norwegian)
Diadochen1.pngHellenistic successor states:
   Kingdom of Ptolemy
   Kingdom of Cassander
   Kingdom of Lysimachus
   Kingdom of Seleucus
Other states:
Hellenistic world 200BC blank.pngHellenistic world in 200 BCE
Greco-Bactrian kingdom.jpgGreco-Bactrian kingdom (250-125 BCE)
LocationParthia.PNGThe Parthian Empire (250 BCE-226 CE)
Scythia-Parthia 100 BC.pngMap of Parthia 100 BC
Roman expansion 264 BC Shepherd.jpgTerritorial development of the Roman Empire 264 BC-192, including the conquest of present
Asia minor roman power.jpgRoman conquest of Minor Asia
Roman Empire in 50 BC.pngMap of the Roman Empire in 50
Roman Empire.pngThe extent of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire;
   133 BC
   44 BC (late Republic, after conquests by republican generals)
   AD 14 (death of Augustus)
   117 (maximum extension)
Roman Legions camps - AD 80.pngCamps of the Roman Legions in 80
Roman empire.pngRoman Empire in 117
Roemischeprovinzentrajan.pngRoman Empire in 117
Indo-Sassanid.jpgIndo-Sassanide Empire
Sassanid Empire 620.pngThe Persian Sassanian Empire (226-650) in 602 to 629, Strokes: Under Sassanid military control.
Carte empire Sassanide.pngSassanide Empire
Sassanides02.pngSassanide Empire
Justinian Byzanz.pngSassanide Empire
Arabische Rijk.jpgExpansion of the Caliphate: I: Muhammad; II: Abu Bakr; III: Omar and IV: Othman
Age of Caliphs.pngAge of the Caliphs
Califate 750.jpgCaliphate around 750
Iran circa 1000AD.pngThe region around 1000
Seldschuken-Reich-map.pngThe Seljuq Empire 1037-1194
Mongol Empire map.gif
This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.
Map showing changes in borders of the Mongol Empire from founding by Genghis Khan in 1206, Genghis Khan's death in 1227 to the rule of Kublai Khan (1260–1294). (Uses modern day borders)
   Mongol Empire
By 1294 the empire had split into:
   Empire of the Great Khan (Yuan Dynasty)
Mongol dominions.jpgThe Timurid Empire 1405
Das Reich Timur-i Lenks (1365-1405).GIFThe Timurid Empire 1405
LocationSafavid.PNGThe Persian Safavid Empire (1501-1722/1736)
Map Safavid persia.pngThe Safavid Empire
Ottoman small animation.gifGrowth of the Ottoman Empire
Ottoman empire 1481-1683.jpgGrowth of the Ottoman Empire
[[|border|251x400px]]Map of the Ottoman Empire 1566
Ottoman 1683.pngLocation of the Ottoman Empire in 1683
OttomanEmpire1801.jpgMap of the Ottoman Empire 1801
Desert Storm Map.svgOperation Desert Storm
GWI DU map.gifApproximate area and major clashes in which DU rounds were used
Iraq invasion map US Army CMH.jpgIraqi War 2003

Other maps

Iraq ethno 2003.jpgEthnic map of Iraq

Satellite maps


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