domingo, 6 de enero de 2019


Atlas of Canada

Canada - Location Map (2013) - CAN - UNOCHA.svg
Flag of Canada.svg

EnglishCanada - Canada
Canada is the world's second-largest country by total area, occupying most of northern North America. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and northward into the Arctic Ocean, Canada shares land borders with the ► United States to the south and to the northwest. To the east of Canada lies ► Greenland and to the south east ► Saint-Pierre and Miquelon is located. Further to the east lie the ► Azores. Canada is federal constitutional monarchy, with its capital Ottawa in Ontario. It consists of ten individual provinces and three territories.
Le Canada, deuxième pays du monde par sa superficie, occupe la majeure partie de l'Amérique du Nord. Il s'étend d'est en ouest de l'océan Atlantique à l'océan Pacifique et vers le nord jusqu'à l'océan Arctique. Le Canada partage deux frontières avec les États-Unis au sud et au nord-ouest (Alaska). Le Canada est un federation constituée de dix provinces et de trois territoires. Ottawa est la capital fédérale du pays.

Short name Canada
Official  nameCanada
StatusIndependent country since 1867
LocationNorth America
Population32,860,900 inhabitants
Area9,984,670 km²
Major  languagesEnglish and French (both official)
Major  religionsRoman Catholicism and Protestantism
More informationCanadaGeography of CanadaHistory of Canada and Politics of Canada
More  imagesCanada - Canada (Category).

General maps

Ca-map.pngMap of Canada
Carte anglophone du Canada
Canada carte.pngSame map in French
Carte du Canada
Canada-census layout.pngAnother map of the subdivisions of Canada
Une autre carte des subdivisions du Canada
Canada pol99 Eureka.JPGMap of Canada
Carte du Canada
Canada topo.jpgTopographic map of Canada
Carte topographique du Canada

Maps of divisions

This section holds maps of the administrative divisions.
Political map of Canada.png
This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.
The provinces, territories, and capitals of Canada
Geopolitical map of Canada.png
This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.
Provinces and territories of Canada
Provinces et territoires du Canada
Carte administrative du Canada.pngSame map in French
Carte administrative du Canada

History maps

This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Canada, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Canada.
Viking expansion.pngMap showing Scandinavian settlement in the eighth (dark red), ninth (red), tenth (orange) and eleventh (yellow) centuries. Areas denoted in green are those affected by frequent viking incursions but with little or no Scandinavian settlement.
Carte montrant la colonisation viking au Canada
Vinland-travel.jpgThe Vinland travel
Le voyage au Vinland
Arctic cultures 900-1500.pngArctic cultures 800-1500
Cultures arctiques
Carte Guerre de 7 ans Amérique du nord.PNGThe Seven Years' War in North America
La Guerre de Sept Ans en Amérique du nord
131Etendue de l'Empire Français.pngCentral Canada as part of the French colonial empire
Canada central comme une partie de l'Empire colonial français
British Empire Anachronous 4.PNG
This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.
Canada as part of the British colonial empire
Canada comme une partie de l'Empire britannique
Canada upper lower map.PNGUpper and Lower Canada prior to 1809 (includes Labrador)
Canada lower.PNGLower Canada prior to 1809 (includes Labrador)
Canada upper.PNGUpper Canada
Wpdms ruperts land.jpgRuperts Land
Oregoncountry2.pngOregon country 1818-1846
Oregoncountry.pngOregon border dispute
Canada provinces evolution.gifTerritorial evolution of Canada. See also below at Territorial evolution.


Old maps

This section holds copies of original general maps more than 70 years old.
Samuel de Champlain Carte geographique de la Nouvelle France.jpgMap of New France by Samuel de Champlain
Map North America 1566.jpgIl designo del discoperto della Nova Franza by Paolo Forlani, ca. 1566 – One of the first maps of North America to note the Canada's name ("pro.") (top right)
Fer - Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, la Floride, la Virginie, Pensilvanie, Caroline.pngThe East Coast of North America in 1702
LA2-NSRW-1-0374.jpgMap of Canada in 1914

Legal maps

Map of Canada, same-sex marriage, pre July 2005.svgStatus of same sex marriage before nationwide legalization

Other maps

Canadian National Parks Location.pngNational parks
Roads-Canada-frame.pngMajor Roads
Canada geological map.JPGGeological map
Canadian embassies 2007.pngCountries that house a Canadian High Commission or embassy.

Satellite maps

Canada-satellite.jpgSatellite map of Ca

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